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Business Strategy

Learn To (Do) BUSINESS Like A Professional

In response to the Paris Declaration (2005) and the Accra Agenda (2008) leading to commitments for donors to channel more of their aid to developing countries through country systems, there has been a growing shift away from program and project aid – typically managed or overseen directly by the contributing development partner – to budget support where aid is channeled directly through the developing country treasury’s consolidated revenue fund account. Consequently, reasonable governance is required to establish a sound public financial management system that is responsible for planning, budgeting, implementation and follow-up of government financed projects in the rural areas so as to create better conditions for sustainable development (Hallgerd, D. 2005:8).Finance Management

The functional and broader definition of internal control includes such actions as supervising management to ensure they have an adequate level of funding to deliver services; ensuring all transactions comply with legal frameworks; and ensuring practices are consistent …


The Impact Of Public Financial Management On Local Government Administration In Bayelsa State Of Nigeria

Estimating capital requirements : The company must estimate its capital requirements (needs) very carefully. This course is almost entirely about the expenditure side of public financial management: issues of taxation, borrowing, debt and aid are dealt with in Public Financial Management: Revenue, while issues concerning the financial relationships between tiers of government are covered in Decentralization and Local Governance.

Consequently, reasonable governance is required to establish a sound public financial management system that is responsible for planning, budgeting, implementation and follow-up of government financed projects in the rural areas so as to create better conditions for sustainable development (Hallgerd, D. 2005:8).Finance Management

Whether you like it or not, accounting finance is one thing you cannot dispense with in the world of business. Financial managers work closely with top managers and with departments that develop the data that financial managers need. Go beyond the basics of accounting with real-time business insights and …